Get Apk Installer apk Because the Android operating system is a relative newcomer to the mobile phone market, a strong and cohesive Android Internet support community appears to be lacking.,One of the major features of the Android OS is the possibility to freely install third party applications. Unless you have an AT&T device and you will only be able to ,Find out how to install APK files on your Android phone. This is a simple step-by-step tutorial that shows you how to install apps using various methods ,APKInstaller will auto install .APK files to your phone after a simple double click of the file.,Download the Apk Installer app now to your Kindle Fire or other Android devices from the Amazon Appstore for Android.,Home; Features; Screenshots; Downloads; FAQs; USB Drivers; Contacts; ApkInstaller for Android (2.6) ApkInstaller for PC (3.0),How to install apk. Apk Installer for Windows PC; Step 1. Ensure that enable adb debugging option; For android 2.x device - (Menu => Settings => Applications ,APKInstaller APKInstaller will auto install .APK files to your phone after a simple double click of the file.,What's this? You have an Android device and want to install a .apk (Android Package) application file on it? Use our brand new 100% FREE service!,Batch Install Batch install apks from PC or SD Card Apps Manager Batch uninstall apps, etc Apps Backup Backup apps to SD Card or PC Screen Capture In-app advertising
Apk Installer apk Description
To install a non-Market application, maybe an .apk file. You needs a tiny tool to browse the SD card, and pick the .apk file. This is simply the tool you got, free, without advertisement, and it is very tiny. Feature - It is rarely tiny! It takes only 44 KB on your Android phone.
P*S: Don't forget to allow the installation of non-market apps in the system settings.