★Jota+ PRO-KEY enables the following features: - opening files at same time without limit - external file systems and root access - customizing background images - backup/restore preferences
★If you donated for Jota Text Editor, don't buy this app. Jota Text Editor can activates Jota+.
▼If you can't activate PRO-KEY, try following. Make sure that your device is connected to internet and logged in to Google. Confirm PRO-KEY is installed from System Settings. Click Menu - Preference - Activate PRO-KEY. reboot device and start Jota+. uninstall and re-install Jota+ or PRO-KEY.
- If you're donor of Jota Text Editor, install original Jota and click Menu - preference - MISC - Activate Jota+ option.
- If you have troubled with Activation, please mail to Developer.